Tendai Ruben Mbofana

It’s time Zimbabwe privatized water management!

Source: It’s time Zimbabwe privatized water management! For too long, Zimbabwe has grappled, seemingly unsuccessfully, with perennial water crises, especially in our urban areas. Tendai Ruben Mbofana This has witnessed most towns and cities going for months at a time and some for years without the precious liquid. In my small town of Redcliff, we […]
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There’s life beyond State House, Mr. President!

Source: There’s life beyond State House, Mr. President! Is it not most embarrassing that Zimbabwe has never experienced a democratic smooth transfer of power since independence 43 years ago? Tendai Ruben Mbofana   In fact, it gets even more shameful that the only time power was transferred smoothly from one leader to another was during […]
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ZBC has historically always been tool of oppression which never spoke for suffering majority

Not surprisingly, the disgracefully lopsided and seriously flawed propaganda piece flighted by the state-controlled ZTV (Zimbabwe Television), on the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Star Rally, held yesterday February 20, 2022 – a report fraught with unimaginable lies and deceit – has attracted the furore and utter disgust of Zimbabweans. Source: ZBC has historically always […]
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Low voter registration signals distrust in electoral system and lack of faith in main political parties

As the year 2023 beckons – with an anticipation of fierce and potentially bruising electoral contestation between Zimbabwe’s two main political rivals, ZANU PF and MDC Alliance – one would have thought that excitement amongst the electorate would have been at an all-time high, attracting an overflow of new voter registrations. Source: Low voter registration […]
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