Zimbabwe Vigil Diary 13th April 2024

Source: Zimbabwe Vigil Diary 13th April 2024 | The Zimbabwean


Another virtual Vigil today continues our protest against the human rights abuse and lack of democracy in Zimbabwe.

An article in the UK Times newspaper about the exodus of the middle-class from Zimbabwe reflects the dire economic situation. Teachers, nurses and doctors are leaving for jobs as care workers in the UK because they are unable fund school fees for their children. Half of school-age children have dropped out and many girls have been forced into early marriage or sex work. One union leader commented: ‘People aren’t leaving Zimbabwe because they hate it, but because our thieving rulers have made us poor and it’s impossible to stay.’ A university lecturer planning to come to the UK to earn £11 an hour as a care worker, sums it up: ‘When you are in boiling water, you can only think of jumping out, not if your landing will be comfortable.’


Our virtual Vigil activists today were Evelyn Chigaro, Shepherd Gandanga, Daisy Mandianike, Mellisa Mbavarira and Petty Ziramba who all kindly contributed to Vigil funds. They carried a placard showing Their  concern at the lack of democracy in Zimbabwe. For photos, see: https://www.flickr.com/photos/zimbabwevigil/albums/72177720316194441.

For Vigil pictures check: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zimbabwevigil/. Please note: Vigil photos can only be downloaded from our Flickr website.

Events and Notices:

  • Next Vigil meeting outside the Zimbabwe Embassy. Saturday 20th April from 2 – 5 pm. We meet on the first and third Saturdays of every month. On other Saturdays the virtual Vigil will run.
  • The Restoration of Human Rights in Zimbabwe (ROHR) is the Vigil’s partner organisation based in Zimbabwe. ROHR grew out of the need for the Vigil to have an organisation on the ground in Zimbabwe which reflected the Vigil’s mission statement in a practical way. ROHR in the UK actively fundraises through membership subscriptions, events, sales etc to support the activities of ROHR in Zimbabwe.
  • The Vigil’s book ‘Zimbabwe Emergency’ is based on our weekly diaries. It records how events in Zimbabwe have unfolded as seen by the diaspora in the UK. It chronicles the economic disintegration, violence, growing oppression and political manoeuvring – and the tragic human cost involved. It is available at the Vigil. All proceeds go to the Vigil and our sister organisation the Restoration of Human Rights in Zimbabwe’s work in Zimbabwe. The book is also available from Amazon.
  • Facebook pages:  

Vigil : https ://www.facebook.com/zimbabwevigil

ROHR: https://www.facebook.com/Restoration-of-Human-Rights-ROHR-Zimbabwe-International-370825706588551/

ZAF: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Zimbabwe-Action-Forum-ZAF/490257051027515

The Vigil, outside the Zimbabwe Embassy, 429 Strand, London meets regularly on Saturdays from 14.00 to 17.00 to protest against gross violations of human rights in Zimbabwe. The Vigil which started in October 2002 will continue until internationally-monitored, free and fair elections are held in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe Situation